Boston Common Podiatry, Skin & Wellness provides advanced, innovative laser skincare treatments that get rid of unwanted age and brown spots. As we advance in years, our skin begins to lose its regenerative qualities. Age and brown spots can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
- The Natural and Inevitable Aging Process
- Frequent, Prolonged Sun Exposure
- UV Light Exposure
Age spots happen when there is an excess production of melanin (or skin pigment). These small, dark patches on the skin (often called liver spots) tend to cluster and vary in size, often appearing in areas most often exposed to the sun.
Age Spots Most Often Affect:
- Face
- Backs of hands
- Shoulders
- Upper back
- Forearms
Any other area of the body experiencing prolonged sun damage
Anyone can develop age spots. It doesn’t matter what race or skin type you are. However, age spots most often affect people who exhibit the following risk factors:
- 40 years of age and over
- Fair-skinned
- Frequent overexposure to the sun
- Frequent tanning bed use
Boston Common Podiatry, Skin & Wellness utilizes state-of-the-art Cutera XEO® technology to treat unwanted brown spots and skin pigment clusters.
Boston Common Podiatry, Skin & Wellness provides innovative Cutera XEO® technology. We offer non-surgical aesthetic enhancement devices specially-designed for age spot treatment. XEO® is our fully customizable workhorse that enables our ability to provide an extensive suite of laser skincare services in Boston, MA, all under one roof.
Cutera XEO lets us customize our approach to suit each patient’s needs. Powerful laser technology administered through a variety of attachments with adaptable settings provide precise delivery to the skin. Our laser skincare treatments break up pigment clusters responsible for age spots and brown spots.